Thursday, August 25, 2011

ENGL 20503 Post #1

I can honestly say, not much of my perception of being an American has changed since reading the articles. I have always thought of America as one of the best countries to live and grown up in in this world. These poems hold that notion true, simply because each poem expresses a standard of how an American acts and is. I have always thought of Americans as strong, independent, self-fulfilling human beings and these poems shed light on just that idea, yet coming from several different people of different races, sex and times they hold true to the fact that America is home of the brave and free. I really like Langston Hughes and his belief as an American. He was suppressed from society, yet he knows that he too is a born American on this American soil and for him to be able to express that feeling is very important. He knows where he has come from and he wants to see the future brighter for those like him, but for now (in the time he wrote it) he will be strong and keep dreaming. That is what Americans do. We dream big and work very hard for those dreams to come true. We are brought up that way to aim for success and even back I the times when these poems were written they believed the same concept and that is what we now as Americans have built our foundation of strong leaders like them to guild us today and into our successful future.

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